Staying Home: Doing Mindful Shift with Our Kids

Lina Castaneda
4 min readJan 6, 2021

I have a few ideas for this confinement that follow my previous post. This isn’t another craft tutorial but rather a collection of personal resources on how to shift our family thinking to make positive changes in our environment. Oh, and without coming in contact with other people for now.

-Be their safe info source. I read somewhere something like ‘“talk TO kids about the situation instead of talk about it in front of them”. They’re going to be around 24/7 with you now (unless you already homeschool) and might as well ignite a good conversation…



Lina Castaneda

Mom of 2 littles, wife, minimalist, artist, certified permaculturist and yoga instructor, homeschooler, podcaster, sustainability + environmental activist.