My Garden Story for Bound By Beauty

Lina Castaneda
7 min readJan 6, 2021

Jan 2021

Florida has a unique climate and there is so much to learn, believe me, it begs to be acknowledged. Not just in fauna and flora but in land and the Natives that steward it, the Tequestas, Seminole, Calusas, Miamis and Miccosukee. It also begs to be inclusive with all the people that came after and it needs to be accessible to all to appreciate. I want to acknowledge first and foremost, that this piece of land was the land of the Tequesta tribe, and the story of our garden is in a way is to pay respects to them and mitigate the effects of poorly used land at…



Lina Castaneda

Mom of 2 littles, wife, minimalist, artist, certified permaculturist and yoga instructor, homeschooler, podcaster, sustainability + environmental activist.